ARIAS workshop, Amsterdam Research Institute of the Arts and Sciences was launched in 2016 as a shared initiative between UvA, VU, HvA, AHK and Gerrit Rietveld Academie. The platform aims to foster strategic collaborations between these institutions; identify and map clusters of aligned research interests; develop and nurture viable projects; and enhance the status, funding potential, methodologies, and legibility of artistic research as a genre of knowledge production.
During this working session researchers connected to the five collaborating institutions will get a chance to explore the possibilities of the platform and meet potential partners for shared research projects. The first work session was held in July 2016. During the ARIASnl Workshop on 24 March 2017 five researchers from the five institutions gave a short presentation to give examples of topics and research methods. Afterwards separate brainstorm groups will discuss the way the platform ARIASnl can and should operate in setting up shared research projects, and in recruiting and supporting third cycle researchers in the field of art and science. Finally, the three main profile areas that have been selected during the first work session will be introduced.
Program 24 March 2017:
09.30-09.45: Welcome and introduction by Bert Verveld, President of the Executive Board of the Amsterdam University of the Arts.
09.45-09.50: Lucas Hendricks, Director A-lab.
09.50-10.05: Jeroen Boomgaard, Program manager ARIASnl.
10.05-11.20: Research presentations by Hester Dibbits (AHK), Raoul Frese (VU), Sonja van der Valk (HvA), Barbara Alves (Gerrit Rietveld Academie), Paula Albuquerque (UvA).
11.30-12.15: Brainstorm.
12.15-12.45: Feedback and general discussion.
12.45-13.15: Introduction of the profile area’s Art, research and education: Mia Lerm Hayes (UvA).
13:15-13:45: Henri Snel, Art, culture and health (Gerrit Rietveld Academie) with an interactive presentation on perception of space through the eyes of people suffering from dementia (see photo).