(Re)Thinking semi-public space at Pennemes, a 24/7 care home in Zaandam

by alzheimerarchitecture

Henri Snel and students of inter-Architecture from the Rietveld Academie where asked to investigate and research the topic of incentive interventions to existing perception places in the semi-public space in Pennemes, a 24/7 care home in Zaandam, and measure the value of these amendments. We will examine the different findings and effects on people with Alzheimer’s before and after the interventions.

One of the most common interior design examples in these institutions that address this need is the use of especially designed ‘perception places’. Places that aim to stimulate and activate residents, often find in the corridor areas. A good enhancing environment can be therapeutic if it supports what someone is still able to do, instead of what someone cannot. Unnecessary incentives should be reduced; meaningful incentives should be encouraged to stimulate physical activity.

The research team consists of: Necim Abiadh, Giulio Angeli, Dora Riederauer, Rik Koster, Timo Piepers, Marco Saldanha Pinheiro, Suni Satoinong and Henri Snel.

Research method: We will start with a baseline assessment to determine the existing situations in this 24/7 care homes. We will examine what kind of effects existing perception places in semi-public spaces have on people with Alzheimer’s in their residential care environment. In an experimental study the aim is to compare two groups in a 24/7 care institution (with almost identical spaces and similar functions and number of users), one group with the existing perception places and another group where architectural incentives are added. The aim is to use participating observation and research by design in order to answer the questions.

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